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· Application of coaxial double hollow sucker rod in heavy… 關注數:6276  2017-11-16 14:23:27
· Daqing pumping rod manufacturing technology creates a gr… 關注數:1013  2017-11-16 14:21:58
· Application of closed cycle heating energy saving techno… 關注數:995  2017-11-16 14:20:13
· Breakthrough of carbon fiber continuous sucker rod techn… 關注數:1171  2017-11-16 14:17:52
· The new generation fiberglass reinforced plastic sucker … 關注數:1163  2017-11-16 14:13:40
· Petroleum machinery company focused on improving product… 關注數:1123  2017-11-16 14:08:32
· Dongying city speeds up the pace of "going out" around i… 關注數:1271  2017-11-16 14:07:48
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